
تأكيدا لمسألة أن قوانين الفيزياء الأرضية تختلف عن السماوية، وأن سرعة الضوء ليست ثابتة بل تختلف باختلاف الأثير قربا وبعدا عن نقطة الأرض مركز السماوات، أورد روبرت سنجينس هذه الإجابة المفصلة عن سؤال: رؤية الحركة اليومية للنجوم، كيف تحدث في نظرية القائلين بثبات الأرض وفي نفس الوقت يعتقدون في الأبعاد الخرافية للأجرام السماوية؟؟
أي: كيف نرى حركة النجوم التي تحدث ليلا ما بين ساعة والأخرى، إن كانت على بُعد سنين ضوئية؟ كيف يصل ضوؤها للأرض بعد ثوان فقط؟

سنجينس هو من فريق كاثوليكي يميل دائما لتوفيق ثبات الأرض مع النظريات الفلكية السائدة، فلهم تفسيرات طبيعية للحركات، وأحيانا يعتمدون على النسبية وأحيانا يرفضونها، ويؤمنون بالأبعاد والأحجام الناساوية إلخ

ملخص إجابته: سرعة الضوء بعيدا عن الأرض تزيد جدا عن سرعتها المألوفة لنا بالقرب من الأرض، حيث أن حركة الكون الدائرية حول الأرض تجعل قوى الطرد المركزي قرب النجوم أكبر كثيرا منها قرب الأرض، ويزداد توتر الأثير (الوسط الناقل للضوء) .. فينتقل ضوء النجوم لنا بسرعة خارقة، تتناقص بالتدريج كلما اقترب من المركز (الأرض)، فنرى حركة النجوم بعد مجرد ثوان من تحركها فعليا.
المعادلات والمراجع موجودة بالنص.

How does the "moving daily" starlight reach earth?!
At what speed does it travel the (Star --> Earth) distance?

I mean, when the star changes position during the night, from one degree to another, did the light coming from it change position also at the same speed, transferring to us an "actual" picture of the star, moving from A to B?

Robert Sungenis:

Some people object that celestial events observed on Earth, such as a distant supernova, happened a very long time ago but are now just being seen on Earth. In other words, we have the problem of determining whether the event occurred in real time (Earth time) or thousands or millions of years ago (i.e., the length of time it would take light from the supernova to reach Earth). If the latter is true, then the universe must be much older than the 6000 years allowed by a strict biblical timetable. This objection is based on the supposition that the speed of light cannot exceed 3 × 10^8 km/sec. This speed, normally designated c in mathematical equations, is a postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity, but by no means is it a proven scientific fact. As we will see in stark detail in Chapter 4, Albert Einstein limited light’s speed based on his particular interpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment and Maxwell’s equations, but his interpretation was not only biased against geocentrism, it was based only on the terrestrially tested speed of light. The speed of light outside our immediate environment has never been tested or proven to be limited to 3 × 10^8 km/sec. Quite ironic is the fact that later in his career Einstein himself admitted to an unlimited celestial light-speed ten years after he claimed it was constant. He writes:

“In the second place our result shows that, according to the general theory of relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity and to which we have already frequently referred, cannot claim any unlimited validity. A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light varies with position. Now we might think that as a consequence of this, the special theory of relativity and with it the whole theory of relativity would be laid in the dust. But in reality this is not the case. We can only conclude that the special theory of relativity cannot claim an unlimited domain of validity; its results hold only so long as we are able to disregard the influences of gravitational fields on the phenomena (e.g., of light)" (Albert Einstein, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, translation by Robert W. Lawson, 1961, p. 85).

This begs the question as to how much “gravitational fields” can affect the speed of light. A popular book on Relativity provides an answer: “If gravitational fields are present the velocities of either material bodies or of light can assume any numerical value depending on the strength of the gravitational field. If one considers the rotating roundabout [earth] as being at rest, the centrifugal gravitational field assumes enormous values at large distances, and it is consistent with the theory of General Relativity for the velocities of distant bodies to exceed 3 × 10^8 m/sec under these conditions" (An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity, William G. V. Rosser, 1964, p. 460. Einstein was criticized on this very point by Philip Lenard in a 1917 open debate, later published in 1920. Lenard stated: “Superluminal velocities seem really to create a difficulty for the principle of relativity; given that they arise in relation to an arbitrary body, as soon as they are attributed not to the body, but to the whole world, something which the principle of relativity in its simplest and heretofore existing form allows as equivalent” (“Allgemeine Diskussion über Relativitätstheorie,” Physikalische Zeitschrift, 1920, pp. 666-668, cited in Kostro’s Einstein and the Ether, p. 87).

In the geocentric system, a diurnally rotating universe creates tremendous centrifugal forces which, according to Einstein’s own covariance equations, are equivalent to the force of gravity. As such, light traveling in this kind of superdynamic environment can greatly exceed 3 × 10^8 m/sec. As Rosser notes “light can assume ANY NUMERICAL VALUE depending on the strength of the…centrifugal gravitational field” which has “enormous values at large distances.” In the Planck-ether medium of geocentrism, the speed of a transverse wave, such as light, depends on the tension between the Planck particles (/wiki/Planck_particle). The greater the centrifugal force, the greater the tension and thus the greater the speed of light. The inertial force of a rotating universe increases as the distance from the center of mass increases. Consequently, the farther from Earth a star is in a rotating universe, the faster its light can travel toward Earth, the center of the universe. By the time the light reaches the environs of Earth, however, it will be traveling at the minimum speed of 3 × 10^8 m/sec since the surface of the Earth is at or near the neutral point of the centrifugal force created in a rotating universe. Outside of this locale, light can travel at much greater speeds than 3 × 10^8 m/sec. Since that is the case, we may be looking at the explosion of supernovae precisely when they occur in deep space.

We can grasp this phenomenon intuitively by illustrating the stretching of a metal spring. If we hit the end of an unstretched spring, the vibration will travel to the other end of the spring in a certain time and velocity. If we stretch the spring to about three times its original length, the vibration will travel proportionately faster due to the increased tension in the spring. (The equation for determining the velocity of the vibration is v = T/mu ^-2 where v is the velocity of the vibration, T is the tension of the spring and mu is the mass of the spring divided by its length). Likewise, if we whirl the spring around in a circle, the centrifugal force stretches the spring. Similarly, a rotating universe stretches the ether medium within it. The greater the radius of the rotation, the greater the centrifugal force, and thus the greater the tension in the ether medium. This will result in a greater speed for light traveling through that medium. For example, if at a certain distance away from Earth the tension of the ether is 100 times greater than it is near the Earth, this will increase the speed of light by 100^-2 or 10 times c. If the tension is 1,000,000 times greater, the speed of light will increase to 10^6^-2, or 1,000 times c.


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