
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2020

ضعف حديث لتفتحن القسطنطينية

يستغل بعض الأتراك (والمنبهرين بالحكومة التركية من العرب) جهل الناس بعلم الحديث، فينشرون رواية ضعيفة تقول : "لتفتحن القسطنطينية، فلنعم الأمير أميرها ولنعم الجيش ذلك الجيش".. ويسقطونها على محمد الفاتح العثماني الذي غزا البيزنطيين في القرن الخامس عشر الميلادي. وقد حكم الألباني على هذه الرواية بالضعف. يضاف لهذا أنه من غير المنطقي مدح جيش العثمانيين، حيث معروف انتشار العقيدة الأشعرية الفاسدة بينهم، والتصوف، والغدر بالأهل وذبح إخوانهم ولاة العهد، وتشويه الرقيق بإخصائهم، إلخ. وقد استمرت الصوفية بينهم حتى وجدنا آخر عبد الحميد الثاني له "شيخ طريقة" يبوح له بأسراره، على عادة المتصوفة. أيضا من الغريب مد هذا النصر العسكري القديم إلى العصر الحديث وربطه - على طريقة البروباجاندا المعهودة - بأردوغان وحكومته! (وهو ما يفعله البض للأسف، خصوصا المنبهرين بالمسلسلات الدرامية التركية الكاذبة المبجلة للعثمانيين). فمعروف أن حكومة تركيا تبيح الدعارة قانونا (في حين أن بعض الدول الأوروبية لا زالت تعتبر الدعارة جريمة!)، ومعروف كره الجيش التركي للحكم الإسلامي وتمجيدهم لأتاتورك عدو الإسلام! أيضا ...

Viewing the mobile version on your desktop browser

To save data and speed up browsing process (and for those who simply prefer the simpler web pages designs) you can view the website's mobile version on your desktop usual browser (assuming the website you're visiting actually provides a mobile version) Firefox web developers usually just load the normal version then go to the menu Tools --> WebDeveloper --> Responsive Design Mode (or simply press CTRL+SHIFT+M) But a more permanent way is to change the "string" your browser sends to the website's server. Firefox has a good addon for that, called User-Agent Switcher and Manager. Add it, then select Android as your new identification. This way all websites will send you their mobile version. ===== More useful AddOns: AdBlocker Ultimate Youtube video and audio downloader (Dev. edition) Youtube NoBuffer (Stop AutoPlaying) ===== Download managers are dime a dozen, but I've found SteadyFlow to be particulary good and simple.

100 Arabic words in Frank Herbert's Dune

The Complete List of Arabic words in Dune: Arrakis: The Arabic name of the star "Mu Draconis". Arrakis means the Dancer (the dancing/trotting camel) Muad'Dib: Teacher/tutor Usul: Principles, fundamentals, bases Shai-Hulud: Eternal thing, or Eternal Shaikh/Sheik (old man) Gom Jabbar: Mighty people. Usually used to describe a strong enemy. See Qur'an 5:22 Thufir Hawat: Thufir can come from the the root ZFR (victorious). Hawat from the root HWT, to enclose/guard/protect. Also, to take precautions Caid: Leader/officer Mahdi: The guided one. A Messianic figure, a Caliph expected to lead the Muslims in the end times. Lisan al-Gaib: Teller of things yet to come Kull Wahad: Literally "Everybody". Maybe a corruption of "O Wahed Al-Kul" (the one of everything), or a corruption of Qur'an 112:1 (Qul Hua Allah Ahad) Jihad: Struggle, Crusade. Alia: The elevated/exalted one Shari-a: Law (Islamic law) Sook: Market Erg: Sea of Sand Razzia: Raid Shaitan: Satan T...

A question about sexual urges and Islam

A fellow Muslim named blackjacketgr8 asked this question:  Starting ramzan I haven't masturbated. I haven't heard online any single direct scripture telling of masturbation is haram. I wanted to ask if it was okay to masturbate ( after ramzan even) because not masturbating awfully effects my life. I easily get distracted because I haven't been relieved and am sexually tense. I keep remembering haram thoughts and getting distracted during basic tasks or even during salat. When I do masturbate I do it maybe once a week and it helps me stay focused and not get distracted all the time and think haram thoughts during salat or just basic daily life. Can you give me any advise. Also I pray 4-5 times and keep trying to fight it,but there is an easy fix. If I don't watch any adult content while I masturbate eleminating that sin to I just would be masturbating to get a normal life. I've also tried removing things from my life which distract me but some things like socializing...

Feminism and Equality

Questioning "equality", the feminist sacred cow Why do feminists assume "equality" is a good/natural thing?! ​ I challenge the basic assumption that equality in itself is a good goal. Has this even been proven to be the natural state?! Aren't the female of the species in some animals bigger than the male, and vice versa? Some are hunters while the opposite sex isn't. So the basic assumption that human males should have the same role as human females still needs to be proven. For example, why do you automatically assume that the number of women in STEM fields should naturally be the same as men's?! Why assume that its lower number is because of "the system of discrimination & bias" and NOT a natural tendency? I honestly think that this basic idea should be challenged. It's like the assumption some philosophers make about the economy, i.e. that after removing all oppressive systems from existence, human society will become one where every...