The Complete List of Arabic words in Dune: Arrakis: The Arabic name of the star "Mu Draconis". Arrakis means the Dancer (the dancing/trotting camel) Muad'Dib: Teacher/tutor Usul: Principles, fundamentals, bases Shai-Hulud: Eternal thing, or Eternal Shaikh/Sheik (old man) Gom Jabbar: Mighty people. Usually used to describe a strong enemy. See Qur'an 5:22 Thufir Hawat: Thufir can come from the the root ZFR (victorious). Hawat from the root HWT, to enclose/guard/protect. Also, to take precautions Caid: Leader/officer Mahdi: The guided one. A Messianic figure, a Caliph expected to lead the Muslims in the end times. Lisan al-Gaib: Teller of things yet to come Kull Wahad: Literally "Everybody". Maybe a corruption of "O Wahed Al-Kul" (the one of everything), or a corruption of Qur'an 112:1 (Qul Hua Allah Ahad) Jihad: Struggle, Crusade. Alia: The elevated/exalted one Shari-a: Law (Islamic law) Sook: Market Erg: Sea of Sand Razzia: Raid Shaitan: Satan T...
The design and concept of Darth Vader is partially based on Jewish myths and traditions. Many of Star Wars fans are already aware of the 3 lines of Hebrew letters that appear on the character's "Chest Plate", but here I'll provide more details on the "Jewish origin" of the infamous Dark Lord! Here you can see a close-up of the lines on Vader's breastplate from Return of the Jedi. The first & third lines are problematic and not easy to understand. אב מצש גלמציצ עד שלכה (Hebrew is written from right to left) The first line has 5 letters in two words.. apparently meaningless unless, with a bit of stretching it, we read it as (Father - Saturday) (AB - M Ts Sh) The third may be read as "till his cast down" (AD - Sh L K H) { שלכ sh-l-k = ‘cast off, throw down, cause to go’} The second line is the interesting one.. Written upside down.. It's more like a "label" than a part of a sentence, and the letters are: (G L M Ts...
صورة للأشياء التي استخدمها السلف لتوضيح حركة الشمس حول الأرض، ومعنى الأفلاك في تفسير آية لَا الشَّمْسُ يَنْبَغِي لَهَا أَنْ تُدْرِكَ الْقَمَرَ وَلَا اللَّيْلُ سَابِقُ النَّهَارِ وَكُلٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ وآية الشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ بِحُسْبَانٍ فلكة المغزل .. وحُسبان الرحى (قطب الطاحونة اليدوية، وهو قطعة الحديد المركزية التي يدور حولها الحجر العلوي) انظر أيضا:
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