
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2018

The Problem with the Look of Modern Comics

The Problem with the Look of Modern Comics I consider the best looking comics were made during the 1990s. It may be nostalgia (I grew up in that era) or a personal taste, but it's more the latter than the former, as I wasn't heavily exposed to my current preferred style during my childhood, but later in life. When I was young I grew up in Egypt, where foreign comic books were rare and difficult to come by, especially before the internet. So while the American boys' first love was Marvel comics the few physical comics that I read were DC comics, in the Bruce Timm style. So if my current taste was shaped by nostalgia it should have been the clean lines and bright colours of (The Batman and Robin Adventures) or (Superman Adventures) of 1997, but it is actually closer to the style of Val Semeiks in Etrigan Volume 3.. the detailed art with its busy backgrounds and heavy inks.. and the Judge Dredd progs that were made in 1997-1998. I tried for a long time to put my finger on w...

لعبة ستار تريك

صورة من لعبة Star Trek: Judgment Rites صدرت من حوالي 25 سنة على نظام الدوس DOS وتعمل الآن على محاكي الدوسبوكس DosBox أذكى من ألعاب القنص والعنف الحديثة، ورسومها بسيطة لكن متقنة. نوعية ألعاب الأدفينشر الحوارية نادرة حاليا للأسف والسائد هو ال FPS وال RPG